Thursday, July 09, 2015

Fisherman's Life in Greece

Retired at 50? Or 65? If you are a Greek fisherman you keep working as long as you are able. No fancy pension plan or retirement but plenty of hard work, friendships, satisfaction and independence. Here is a scene from the quay side in Preveza. Jorgo arrives put - putting his trusty, blue fishing boat after picking up his nets that were left overnight, as his 80 year old wife (the one in the flowered dress in the photos) waits to catch his lines. Others wait to see what Jorgo has brought in and perhaps buy some fish for their restaurants or families. 

Expertly, Vaula catches the lines Jorgo throws, makes fast the boat to the bollards and proceeds to sell his catch as he tidies up the vessel and begins to stow the nets. 
A kilo of fresh fish sells for about 10 euros. 

Here is Vaula showing off her dress (she said she paid 5 Euros for it) and hat before getting back to selling her husband's catch.
She said she loves the sea and is happy for her and Jorgo to work as long as they are able.
She sold two trays of fish in an hour and then said her work was not done - she was going home to cook for her family, clean her home and make some cherry preserves. 
Beats sitting in a chair at the nursing home watching TV all day, in my opinion.

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