Friday, June 21, 2024


Summer is here and it's hot. So, I wake up at 4 or 5am and then rest and nap in the afternoon. It doesn't cool off until around 8pm so I stay up later than is my usual. It takes some getting used and my body rebells. I am amazed how the locals can work, often in full sun. I have little energy, but this morning, I refilled the tanks with water. The full tanks last me approximately two weeks. That's it for work. I need to fo some more varnish, but will wait until the wind dies down. Yes, the Meltemi season is upon us and for the past three days we've hsd winds of up to 25 knots. Here in Poros harbour, it is reasonably safe and so far, my stern anchor is holding. But varnish must wait.

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