Sunday, July 02, 2017

Fanari Bay to Aktio

From Fanari Bay to Aktio was a long sail but I didn't want to stop again. There was only one harbour safe enough for over night in Ligia, but I'd have to get the fenders out, mooring lines ready, stern anchor. It just seemed like too much work. 
Anchoring with my bow anchor is so easy now, especially with the new electric windlass. Sails down, engine on, find a good spot, drop anchor. Done. None of the anxiety of crossed anchors and fear of bumping into other boats on approach to a quay. Especially on my own. 

And so, I had 23 nm to sail in one day. I left at 10 and motor sailed the first three hours.
Then at one in the afternoon, the wind came from the west and I was able to sail at about 3.5 knots all the way back to Aktio anchorage. What a treat - four hours of sailing with the wind vane steering the whole way.

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