Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another winner from the creator of Enviro Bear!

Here is another fun, non-violent game from the amazing mind of my son, Justin: Realistic, Summer Sport Simulator. Just in time for Christmas - a gift for all your friends - only 99c - cheaper than a Christmas card.

This is what one reviewer says about it:
"When video games get labeled as “funny” it’s typically because of the dialogue, or the characters. Rare is the video game that’s funny for its actual mechanics. Katamari Damacy and Wario Ware come to mind, and I would say RSSS is a cousin, or baby nephew, of those games.
As the title clues, it’s a bit like that Nintendo game, World Class Track Meet. You know, the one where you stomped on that clunky Power Pad peripheral to perform long jumps and the like. With Track Meet, the gap between running in place in your socks and performing real track events comes off as inept and embarrassing. RSSS takes that gap and amps up the absurdity, making it the centerpiece of the game.
In this way, it’s a lot like his previous title, Enviro-Bear, or the venerable QWOP, which delight in making a simple task immensely difficult. It’s the flip opposite of many games, which put the player in the position of someone with far more ability. 
You’re given one mechanism, a bouncy fling maneuver, to execute all fourteen available sports. There’s no instructions, but the games are just close enough to their real counterparts to give you a sense of direction. Puzzling out how to play the games is at least half the fun.
I don’t mean to characterize this game as a so-bad-it’s-good sort of thing. It’s quite the opposite: it’s witty, charming, and extremely polished. The art is perfect, and packed with great details throughout. It also has a local multiplayer option so you and your friends can goof your way through a competition, including a hilarious torch ceremony. Really, Realistic Summer Sports Simulator gets everything right. "

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