Thursday, July 19, 2007


And cheap Internet! Also I think I might be able to download some photos. It's not really a beautiful place and I long to go for a swim (not a good idea in the harbour), so will have to take a day off to go to the beach somewhere, but so convenient in all other ways. Even free to tie up to the quay. And so understandably I'm reluctant to move. New crew arriving soon and then we'll cruise the rest of the Ionian islands. Perhaps stay here for the winter? Sail north to Croatia next spring? Or, spend the winter on Aegina Island where a friend has a house? Or Turkey? Or....? So many options and all of them equally enticing. Greece is really wonderful so far although I am a bit nervous of the Meltemi winds in the Cyclades. I don't like the idea of force 7-8 winds ANYWHERE. Call me a fair weather sailor. Ciao for now.

Oops, I think I deleted one of my posts by mistake! The trouble with this blog is that the instructions as to POST, EDIT and DELETE etc, are all in Greek! And my Greek so far is limited to Please, Thank You and Good Morning. Sorry about that, I'll try to recover it.

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