For the past month I had been sailing in the British, U.S. and Spanish Virgin Islands. I even got paid to sail by cooking on a luxury charter boat. I thought I had gone to heaven. And yes, I love the Mediterranean but more than anything I love the sun and the gentle breezes. I have to admit, I am a fair weather sailor. The trade winds usually blow at between 10 and 20 knots from the south east, east or the northeast and if it rains, it's usually at night just when you wish someone would wash all the salt off the boat. Amazing!!!
I'm planning on returning next winter. Definitely.
Meanwhile, I'm back in Canada getting ready to head back to Europe.
Enjoy the photos.
And thanks Richard on Labe Yoseph for a wonderful experience.
I just cruised in here following some links... I suspect I have lots to read.
I have owned a 36' sloop and sailed singlehanded for almost 21 years spending a few seasons in the Caribbean.
Knowcking about those lovely islands in the trades is quite delicious and something I often reflect on whilst back up here in the North East USA.
But I do love some things about the big city and when I am out there in the blue I miss them too. The time to be there is when the weather here is cold and then the good weather attends down in the tropics. But most of the good stuff... happens in the winter up here in NYC... opera, ballet and all sorts of cultural events to wasm the soul.
Summer sailing up here is OK but nothing compared to island hoping down there. Life is like that... tough choices.
I had the opportunity to bring a boat down a year ago this past Fall and it was wonderful to be down in Antigua.
But now I don't how much I would miss the Ballet and the Opera.. seeing them live is very transformative as well... just very different from being on a sailboat.
heaven is where it's at.
I agree, yet there are some places in the world that really touch my heart and this is one of them.
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