Well, after four days of running undelete and recover programs (had to pause every half an hour for half an hour so that the hard drive wouldn't overheat and fry) not a single photo from the bunch that were lost has surfaced. We used four different programs and no luck. I finally called Fujitsu (go to the source when all else fails) and they didn't offer much hope either (sad face).
And so, ladies and gentlemen, one day I will have to sail back to northern Italy and the Costa Brava section of Spain to take all those photos again. Anyone want to come?
My next project is to sort out all those emails that are waiting to be answered, and all the website files that need updating. And then I will do some serious writing for the rest of the winter. As you can see from the photo, unless I get some skis or snowshoes it looks like I'll be staying inside a lot this winter (sigh).
On the other hand, a visit to Mexico is really tempting, especially because of the many writers' retreats in places such as San Miguel de Allende, however, unless my air miles are up to it, it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
1 comment:
Hello Snow White Lady!
The loss of all these photos is really bad luck and I can imagine that this hurts.
My advice: look forward! First explore Sicily more, than go East!!! Malta, might be Croatia, definitely Greece and Turkey!!!
At this leg(s) I may accompany you.
But at first, you have to dig more snow! And don't worry about finding your son's car. Last winter I diged out my neigbour's car until I realised that I was not mine. He enjoyed having less to dig.
Anyway, soon spring will come again; Eidos is already waiting for you! ;-)
Enjoy any moment, even those with snow, Herb
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