The wind had been whistling madly in the rigging all night keeping me awake and the sun at day break was an anemic yellow. I checked the instruments - 20 knots from the northeast. Another Mistral. The power boat in the photo was a bit far out in the anchorage, but not unusually so - large yachts often anchor more out in the open.

Fifteen minutes later the power yacht and the catamaran were definitely dragging anchor. The navy motored out of the harbour to wake the crew up. Another five minutes and they would have been on the rocks.

The cat wisely came into the port for the crew to catch their breath and reassess the situation but the power yacht after retrieving his anchor returned to the anchorage. After all, it was only blowing 25-30. The anchorage is known to be poor holding. We're staying put and exploring inland today.
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