Sunday, July 10, 2022

Galaxidi to Corinth

We had a bit of excitement in Galaxidi. Both Friday and Saturday night we could hear disco music from a local bar until about 3:00 in the morning, so sleep was hard to get. Then, on Friday there was a violent thunderstorm and downpour to wash Eidos for the second time. Saturday evening the wind picked up and my new neighbor dislodged my Fortress anchor. Eidos hit the quay until we secured her to the neighbor. I kept pulling on the stern anchor, and eventually she dug in again. Early in the morning, we untied the bow lines, pulled up the anchor, and left.We saw several pods of dolphins along the way which was very special. They played in the bow wave and under the boat chasing us as we motored in the calm sea. 
That hill in the distance is the ancient Corinth. It was destroyed by an earthquake.
Finally, after 7 hours we arrived in the Inner Harbor of the new town of Corinth.

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