Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dolphins in the Strait of Sicily

We saw these dolphins while sailing off the east coast of Tunisia in the spring of 2007. They stayed with us for about an hour, playing in front of and around Eidos. There are dolphins in the Ionian as well and we saw a large pod in the Gulf of Amvrakikos on the way to Vonitsa but the camera was down below so I didn't get any photos. Of course, dolphins are known to be camera shy and tend to dive as soon as they see one.
There is also popular advice to those of us who worry about getting rammed by whales in mid ocean. If you see one getting a bit too close, just grab your camera and try to get a photo. We had two whales play near my previous boat in the Sea of Cortez and one actually dove under Fenix. This was little unnerving as Fenix was a 26 ft. Folkboat without an engine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have come via the Writers Weekly forum where I post as Wattle. That video is magical. Your life seems like an amazing adventure. Thanks for sharing!