Saturday, April 11, 2009

Economy in Europe

Ok, so usually I don't pay attention to politics and the economy but by chance I stumbled on a currency exchange page on Google while reading about the earthquake in Italy. There is an interesting graph on the page showing the rise and fall of one against the other and it seems that the Euro is falling with respect to the Canadian dollar. I guess it might be a good idea to take a look again before I use an ATM machine in Greece.

Let's see, if I take out 100 Euros and the exchange is 1.6 I need 160 dollars. If I wait until it's worth 1.5, I need 150 dollars - save 10 dollars. Not bad. From yesterday to today, I would have saved three dollars. Enough for a coffee and a pastry. If I wait long enough, perhaps I'll be able to buy a month worth of groceries with the money I save. I'm not complaining...

Now, the earthquake does concern me - I have friends in Italy. Hope they're all ok but still it's terrible for the families of the people who died. I send my prayers to them.

1 comment:

  1. Χρησιμοποιώ ιρλανδική € ευρώ προκειμένου όταν goto ATM να πάρω την ελληνική € ευρώ, πάντα μία-μία.
